Vidcode has been running a Virtual Club every week, it’s been incredible! Check out the showcase of student work. Here are some tips and based practices based on what we’ve learned:
- Remote teaching is an opportunity for students who learn different ways. Students can follow along with video tutorials live, or watch and go through tutorials at their own pace afterwards.
- Using goals and milestones to keep students motivated is important
- Give students a place to talk to each other - we have a live chat in our weekly 45-minute video calls and a few weeks in, students personalities really started to come through!
- Celebrate student work! We have 5 minutes at the end where students send me links to their projects, and I open them up and talk about their code. It gives me a chance to use vocabulary in context, and gives them a chance to see and be inspired by other student work
- Give prompts, but leave projects open for student creativity. For example: Code a meme showing a “Learning from home tip.” Students made projects incorporating Minecraft, sports, pugs!
- Low floors / high ceilings: Provide additional material and a sandbox for students to complete on their own