Vidcode Certified Educators

Vidcode Certified Educators

Educators who complete Vidcode’s Virtual Professional Development become Vidcode Certified, and receive a certificate and digital badge, as well as first access to new material and invitations to events. You get to be in the know about new features, consult directly with Vidcode developers, serve as a Vidcode ambassador, and become part of an exclusive network of VCEs.

If you’re interested in completing the course and earning your certification, email for more information. If you’re taking the course, this is the place to discuss. If you’re considering it, please ask questions here as well!

When you’re ready to start the course, Click Here

So excited for our first group of Certified Educators who went through the Virtual Teacher Training this summer! Celebrating Levent, a talented Harmony Public Schools teacher, who completed the program:

I’m in the middle of the self-paced virtual course and my posts to the Community Forum are being marked as Spam and Hidden. Is there any way to prevent that? I currently can not post the current project I’m trying to share.

Hi Jaimie,

I’ve set your messages live, I’m sorry about that!

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I’m also having trouble posting now. I keep getting this message:

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

You’re not doing anything wrong! I changed some of the forum settings so that this won’t pop up in the future. Thanks for your patience Jaimie, you should be good to post now :slight_smile:

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